The Coffee Roaster House

just around five pounds retreat

The Okonomi curve; Cooking of Okonomi-yaki with a help of Artisan

First turn over is not marked but was done 3min after  charge

Sharp drop of the temperature 3 minutes after charge means that the probe had to be moved to the edge of the pan to turn over and the side relatively cold cooled down the pan.   Although, it does not nessesary mean that the temperature dropped as low as 50-60 degrees celuseus.  The bottom just before 6 minutes  is the timing that it is turned over second time  and the probe was out of the pan for a while.  

It is best to adjust the fire so that it is done enough to be turned at 3 minutes.

The time between two turns  is typically 2 minutes or more.  You should be carefull not to burn the meat or toppings, but it can be extended as long as 3minutes if you want the crisp flavor on top.  The final stage can be as long as 4-5 minutes if you like.   It usually requires 3 minutes or more to remove the excess water well inside the Okonomi cake/pizza.  

If you have a glass lid it is better to place it over the pan after you put toppings on charge.

Total cooking time typically 9-10 minutes .